Thursday, 25 October 2012

                                  Different types of potato

You may not know, but there are many different potatoes other than the ones you have on your dinner plate!

1. Rooster potatoes are the most common potatoes used in Ireland,  They were originally bred in Teagasc Oak Park Research Centre in Carlow. The rooster potato's easily distinguishable by its red skin. It has a floury yellow flesh which has unique all rounder properties. It is an extremely versatile potato which is perfect for boiling, mashing, steaming and baking! It is also easy to peel because of its shallow skin.
2. Cultra potatoes are the most popular home grown potatoes in Ireland. Their skin is quite waxy and their flesh is white. These are most suitable for baking, boiling, steaming and roasting.

3. Golden Wonder Potatoes are the most floury potatoes available. They are suitable for baking roasting and frying but CANNOT be boiled as they will disintegrate in the boiling water. Golden Wonders are available from October through to June. There's also a crisp company named after these potatoes.

Kerr's Pink Potatoes have white to pink skin colour and a white flesh. They have a wide variety of uses such as boiling,steaming, baking,and chipping. They are available from August through to May/June.

Friday, 12 October 2012

Spud Life

Before Potatoes can be eaten, they have to be planted. Potatoes are quite easy to grow but they prefer to grow in cold weather (which is why Ireland grows lots of potatoes). Even before the potatoes are planted the seeds are stored in the fridge.
The first potato remains were discovered in the ancient ruins Peru and Chile, which were ancient civilisations in 5th BC!
Potatoes are 'A starchy plant tuber that is one of the most important food crops, cooked and eaten as a vegetable.' The potato was first domesticated in Chile, they were discovered when Europeans attacked the Incan empire in Peru and were brought to Europe around 1750, first to Spain, then off to England and Ireland. Potatoes are a staple food for two thirds of the world population, bet you didn't know that!
                                                         Heres a song about potatoes:

Monday, 8 October 2012



My name is Anna, and this is my geog blog on potatoes! I'm making this blog as part of my environmental studies course in transition year. Potatoes in my opinion are the best food in the world because they're so versatile! Chips, crisps, wedges, roasties, mashed, jacket, baby potatoes there's just so much you can do!
I hope you will enjoy learning about it as much as I do!